Zdrojový kód pro aleph.aleph

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Interpreter version: python 2.7
# Imports =====================================================================
Aleph X-Service wrapper.

This module allows you to query Aleph's X-Services_ module (Aleph server is
defined by :attr:`aleph.settings.ALEPH_URL` in :mod:`settings.py

.. _X-Services: http://www.exlibrisgroup.com/category/MetaLibXServer

There are two levels of abstraction.


You can use this functions to access Aleph::

    searchInAleph(base, phrase, considerSimilar, field)
    downloadRecords(search_result, [from_doc])
    getDocumentIDs(aleph_search_result, [number_of_docs])
    downloadMARCXML(doc_id, library)
    downloadMARCOAI(doc_id, base)


Aleph works in strange way, that he won't allow you to access desired
information directly.

You have to create search request by calling :func:`searchInAleph` first, which
will return dictionary with few important informations about session.

This dictionary can be later used as parameter to :func:`getDocumentIDs`
function, which will give you list of :class:`DocumentID` named tuples.

    :py:func:`~collections.namedtuple` is used, because to access your
    document, you don't need just `document ID` number, but also `library ID`

Depending on your system, there may be just only one accessible library, or
multiple ones, and then you will be glad, that you get both of this
informations together.

:class:`DocumentID` can be used as parameter to :func:`downloadMARCXML`.

Lets look at some code::

    ids = getDocumentIDs(searchInAleph("nkc", "test", False, "wrd"))
    for id_num, library in ids:
        XML = downloadMARCXML(id_num, library)

        # processDocument(XML)


XML wrappers
This wrappers returns full XML records from Aleph:

    - :func:`getISBNsXML`
    - :func:`getAuthorsBooksXML`
    - :func:`getPublishersBooksXML`
    - :func:`getBooksTitleXML`
    - :func:`getICZBooksXML`

ID wrappers
There are wrappers, which returns ID's of matching document in Aleph:

    - :func:`getISBNsIDs`
    - :func:`getAuthorsBooksIDs`
    - :func:`getPublishersBooksIDs`
    - :func:`getBooksTitleIDs`
    - :func:`getICZBooksIDs`

You can theh download them using :func:`downloadMARCXML` or

Count wrappers
Count wrappers returns just the number of records with given parameters are
there in aleph.

    - :func:`getISBNCount`
    - :func:`getAuthorsBooksCount`
    - :func:`getPublishersBooksCount`
    - :func:`getBooksTitleCount`
    - :func:`getICZBooksCount`

    Counting functions are by one request faster than just counting results
    from standard getters. It is preferred to use them to reduce load to Aleph.

Other noteworthy properties

List of valid bases can be obtained by calling :func:`getListOfBases`, which
returns list of strings.

There is also defined exception tree - see :class:`AlephException` doc-string
for details.
from collections import namedtuple
from string import Template
from urllib import quote_plus

import dhtmlparser
from httpkie import Downloader

from settings import *

# Variables ===================================================================
# String.Template() variable convention is used
SEARCH_URL_TEMPLATE = "/X?op=find&request=$FIELD=$PHRASE&base=$BASE"
SET_URL_TEMPLATE = "/X?op=ill_get_set&set_number=$SET_NUMBER" + \
DOC_URL_TEMPLATE = "/X?op=ill_get_doc&doc_number=$DOC_ID&library=$LIBRARY"
OAI_DOC_URL_TEMPLATE = "/X?op=find_doc&doc_num=$DOC_ID&base=$BASE"
RECORD_URL_TEMPLATE = "/X?op=present&set_number=$SET_NUM&set_entry=$RECORD_NUM"


- ``wrd`` - Všechny údaje [`All fields`]
- ``wtl`` - Název [`Title/name of the book`]
- ``wau`` - Autor (osoba, korporace) [`Author (person, corporation)`]
- ``wkw`` - Předmět (klíčová slova) [`Subject (keywords)`]
- ``txt`` - Slova z obsahu (table of cont.) [`Words from table of content`]
- ``wpb`` - Nakladatel [`Publisher`]
- ``wpp`` - Místo vydání [`Place of publication`]
- ``wyr`` - Rok vydání [`Year of publication`]
- ``ssn`` - ISSN
- ``sbn`` - ISBN / ISMN
- ``isn`` - ISBN / ISMN / ISSN
- ``ob``  - Obsazení (hudební díla) [`Cast (musical works)`]
- ``wpf`` - Periodicita [`Periodicity`]
- ``wpv`` - Kód země vydání [`Country code`]
- ``wln`` - Kód jazyka dokumentu [`Language code`]
- ``wlo`` - Kód jazyka originálu [`Lanugage code of original`]
- ``wtp`` - Druh dokumentu [`Type of document`]
- ``sg``  - Signatura [`Signature`]
- ``bar`` - Čárový kód [`Barcode`]
- ``cnb`` - Číslo národní bibl. [`Number of national bibl.`]
- ``icz`` - Identifikační číslo [`Identification number`]
- ``sys`` - Systémové číslo [`System number`]
- ``wpk``

dhtmlparser.NONPAIR_TAGS = []  # used for parsing XML - see documentation

# Functions & objects =========================================================
[dokumentace]class AlephException(Exception): """ Exception tree:: - AlephException |- InvalidAlephBaseException |- InvalidAlephFieldException |- LibraryNotFoundException `- DocumentNotFoundException """ def __init__(self, message): Exception.__init__(self, message)
[dokumentace]class InvalidAlephBaseException(AlephException): def __init__(self, message): super(InvalidAlephBaseException, self).__init__(message)
[dokumentace]class InvalidAlephFieldException(AlephException): def __init__(self, message): super(InvalidAlephFieldException, self).__init__(message)
[dokumentace]class LibraryNotFoundException(AlephException): def __init__(self, message): super(LibraryNotFoundException, self).__init__(message)
[dokumentace]class DocumentNotFoundException(AlephException): def __init__(self, message): super(DocumentNotFoundException, self).__init__(message)
[dokumentace]class DocumentID(namedtuple("DocumentID", ["id", "library", "base"])): """ This structure is used to store `"pointer"` to document in aleph. Attributes: id (int): ID of document. library (str): This can be different for each document, depend on your system. base (str): Default "``nkc``", but really depends on what bases you have defined in your Aleph server. """ pass
[dokumentace]def getListOfBases(): """ This function is here mainly for purposes of unittest Returns: list of str: Valid bases as they are used as URL parameters in links at Aleph main page. """ downer = Downloader() data = downer.download(ALEPH_URL + "/F/?func=file&file_name=base-list") dom = dhtmlparser.parseString(data.lower()) # from default aleph page filter links containing local_base in their href base_links = filter( lambda x: "href" in x.params and "local_base" in x.params["href"], dom.find("a") ) # split links by & - we will need only XXX from link.tld/..&local_base=XXX base_links = map( lambda x: x.params["href"].replace("?", "&", 1).split("&"), base_links ) # filter only sections containing bases bases = map( lambda link: filter(lambda base: "local_base=" in base, link)[0], base_links ) # filter bases from base sections bases = map(lambda x: x.split("=")[1].strip(), bases) return list(set(bases)) # list(set()) is same as unique()
def _tryConvertToInt(s): """ Try convert value from `s` to int. Returns: int(s): If the value was successfully converted, or `s` when conversion failed. """ try: return int(s) except ValueError: return s def _alephResultToDict(dom): """ Convert part of non-nested XML to :py:class:`dict`. Args: dom (HTMLElement tree): pre-parsed XML (see dhtmlparser). Returns: dict: with python data """ result = {} for i in dom.childs: if not i.isOpeningTag(): continue keyword = i.getTagName().strip() value = _tryConvertToInt(i.getContent().strip()) # if there are multiple tags with same keyword, add values into # array, instead of rewriting existing value at given keyword if keyword in result: # if it is already there .. if isinstance(result[keyword], list): # and it is list .. result[keyword].append(value) # add it to list else: # or make it array result[keyword] = [result[keyword], value] else: # if it is not in result, add it result[keyword] = value return result
[dokumentace]def searchInAleph(base, phrase, considerSimilar, field): """ Send request to the aleph search engine. Request itself is pretty useless, but it can be later used as parameter for :func:`getDocumentIDs`, which can fetch records from Aleph. Args: base (str): which database you want to use phrase (str): what do you want to search considerSimilar (bool): fuzzy search, which is not working at all, so don't use it field (str): where you want to look (see: :attr:`VALID_ALEPH_FIELDS`) Returns: dictionary: consisting from following fields: | error (optional): present if there was some form of error | no_entries (int): number of entries that can be fetch from aleph | no_records (int): no idea what is this, but it is always >= than `no_entries` | set_number (int): important - something like ID of your request | session-id (str): used to count users for licensing purposes Example: Returned dict:: { 'session-id': 'YLI54HBQJESUTS678YYUNKEU4BNAUJDKA914GMF39J6K89VSCB', 'set_number': 36520, 'no_records': 1, 'no_entries': 1 } Raises: AlephException: if Aleph doesn't return any information InvalidAlephFieldException: if specified field is not valid """ downer = Downloader() if field.lower() not in VALID_ALEPH_FIELDS: raise InvalidAlephFieldException("Unknown field '" + field + "'!") param_url = Template(SEARCH_URL_TEMPLATE).substitute( PHRASE=quote_plus(phrase), # urlencode phrase BASE=base, FIELD=field, SIMILAR="Y" if considerSimilar else "N" ) result = downer.download(ALEPH_URL + param_url) dom = dhtmlparser.parseString(result) find = dom.find("find") # find <find> element :) if len(find) <= 0: raise AlephException("Aleph didn't returned any information.") find = find[0] # convert aleph result into dictionary result = _alephResultToDict(find) # add informations about base into result result["base"] = base if "error" not in result: return result # handle errors if result["error"] == "empty set": result["no_entries"] = 0 # empty set have 0 entries return result else: raise AlephException(result["error"])
[dokumentace]def downloadRecords(search_result, from_doc=1): """ Download `MAX_RECORDS` documents from `search_result` starting from `from_doc`. Attr: search_result (dict): returned from :func:`searchInAleph`. from_doc (int, default 1): Start from document number `from_doc`. Returns: list: List of XML strings with documents in MARC OAI. """ downer = Downloader() if "set_number" not in search_result: return [] # set numbers should be probably aligned to some length set_number = str(search_result["set_number"]) if len(set_number) < 6: set_number = (6 - len(set_number)) * "0" + set_number # download all no_records records = [] for cnt in range(search_result["no_records"]): doc_number = from_doc + cnt if cnt >= MAX_RECORDS or doc_number > search_result["no_records"]: break set_data = downer.download( ALEPH_URL + Template(RECORD_URL_TEMPLATE).substitute( SET_NUM=set_number, RECORD_NUM=doc_number, ) ) records.append(set_data) return records
[dokumentace]def getDocumentIDs(aleph_search_result, number_of_docs=-1): """ Get IDs, which can be used as parameters for other functions. Args: aleph_search_result (dict): returned from :func:`searchInAleph` number_of_docs (int, optional): how many :class:`DocumentID` from set given by `aleph_search_result` should be returned. Default -1 for all of them. Returns: list: :class:`DocumentID` named tuples to given `aleph_search_result`. Raises: AlephException: If Aleph returns unknown format of data. Note: Returned :class:`DocumentID` can be used as parameters to :func:`downloadMARCXML`. """ downer = Downloader() if "set_number" not in aleph_search_result: return [] # set numbers should be probably aligned to some length set_number = str(aleph_search_result["set_number"]) if len(set_number) < 6: set_number = (6 - len(set_number)) * "0" + set_number # limit number of fetched documents, if -1, download all if number_of_docs <= 0: number_of_docs = aleph_search_result["no_entries"] # download data about given set set_data = downer.download( ALEPH_URL + Template(SET_URL_TEMPLATE).substitute( SET_NUMBER=set_number, NUMBER_OF_DOCS=number_of_docs, ) ) # parse data dom = dhtmlparser.parseString(set_data) set_data = dom.find("ill-get-set") # there should be at least one <ill-get-set> field if len(set_data) <= 0: raise AlephException("Aleph didn't returned set data.") ids = [] for library in set_data: documents = _alephResultToDict(library) if "error" in documents: raise AlephException("getDocumentIDs: " + documents["error"]) # convert all document records to DocumentID named tuple and extend # them to 'ids' array if isinstance(documents["doc-number"], list): ids.extend( map( lambda x: DocumentID( x, documents["set-library"], aleph_search_result["base"] ), set(documents["doc-number"]) ) ) else: ids.append( DocumentID( documents["doc-number"], documents["set-library"], aleph_search_result["base"] ) ) return ids
[dokumentace]def downloadMARCXML(doc_id, library, base="nkc"): """ Download MARC XML document with given `doc_id` from given `library`. Args: doc_id (DocumentID): You will get this from :func:`getDocumentIDs`. library (str): "``NKC01``" in our case, but don't worry, :func:`getDocumentIDs` adds library specification into :class:`DocumentID` named tuple. Returns: str: MARC XML unicode string. Raises: LibraryNotFoundException DocumentNotFoundException """ downer = Downloader() data = downer.download( ALEPH_URL + Template(DOC_URL_TEMPLATE).substitute( DOC_ID=doc_id, LIBRARY=library ) ) dom = dhtmlparser.parseString(data) # check if there are any errors # bad library error error = dom.find("login") if error: error_msg = error[0].find("error") if error_msg: raise LibraryNotFoundException( "Can't download document doc_id: '" + str(doc_id) + "' " + "(probably bad library: '" + library + "')!\nMessage: " + "\n".join(map(lambda x: x.getContent(), error_msg)) ) # another error - document not found error = dom.find("ill-get-doc") if error: error_msg = error[0].find("error") if error_msg: raise DocumentNotFoundException( "\n".join(map(lambda x: x.getContent(), error_msg)) ) return data # MARCxml of document with given doc_id
[dokumentace]def downloadMARCOAI(doc_id, base): """ Download MARC OAI document with given `doc_id` from given (logical) `base`. Funny part is, that some documents can be obtained only with this function in their full text. Args: doc_id (str): You will get this from :func:`getDocumentIDs`. base (str, optional): Base from which you want to download Aleph document. This seems to be duplicite with :func:`searchInAleph` parameters, but it's just something Aleph's X-Services wants, so .. Returns: str: MARC XML Unicode string. Raises: InvalidAlephBaseException DocumentNotFoundException """ downer = Downloader() data = downer.download( ALEPH_URL + Template(OAI_DOC_URL_TEMPLATE).substitute( DOC_ID=doc_id, BASE=base ) ) dom = dhtmlparser.parseString(data) # check for errors error = dom.find("error") if len(error) <= 0: # no errors return data if "Error reading document" in error[0].getContent(): raise DocumentNotFoundException( str(error[0].getContent()) ) else: raise InvalidAlephBaseException( error[0].getContent() + "\n" + "The base you are trying to access probably doesn't exist." ) # High level API ==============================================================
[dokumentace]def getISBNsXML(isbn, base=ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE): """ Download full XML record for given `isbn` in `base`. Args: isbn (str): ISBN of the books you want to get. base (str): Base on which will be search performed. Default :attr:`aleph.settings.ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE`. Returns: list: List of strings with full **OAI** XML representation of the \ record. """ return downloadRecords( searchInAleph( base, isbn, False, "sbn" ) )
[dokumentace]def getISSNsXML(issn, base=ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE): """ Download full XML record for given `issn` in `base`. Args: issn (str): ISSN of the books you want to get. base (str): Base on which will be search performed. Default :attr:`aleph.settings.ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE`. Returns: list: List of strings with full **OAI** XML representation of the \ record. """ return downloadRecords( searchInAleph( base, issn, False, "ssn" ) )
[dokumentace]def getAuthorsBooksXML(author, base=ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE): """ Download full XML record for given `author` in `base`. Args: author (str): Name of the `author` of the books you want to get. base (str): Base on which will be search performed. Default :attr:`aleph.settings.ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE`. Returns: list: List of strings with full **OAI** XML representation of the \ record. """ return downloadRecords( searchInAleph( base, author, False, "wau" ) )
[dokumentace]def getPublishersBooksXML(publisher, base=ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE): """ Download full XML record for given `publisher` in `base`. Args: publisher (str): Name of the `publisher` of the books you want to get. base (str): Base on which will be search performed. Default :attr:`aleph.settings.ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE`. Returns: list: List of strings with full **OAI** XML representation of the \ record. """ return downloadRecords( searchInAleph( base, publisher, False, "wpb" ) )
[dokumentace]def getBooksTitleXML(title, base=ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE): """ Download full XML record for given `title` in `base`. Args: title (str): `title` of the books you want to get. base (str): Base on which will be search performed. Default :attr:`aleph.settings.ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE`. Returns: list: List of strings with full **OAI** XML representation of the \ record. """ return downloadRecords( searchInAleph( base, title, False, "wtl" ) )
[dokumentace]def getICZBooksXML(icz, base=ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE): """ Download full XML record for given `icz` (identification number) in `base`. Args: icz (str): Identification number used to search Aleph. base (str): Base on which will be search performed. Default :attr:`aleph.settings.ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE`. Returns: list: List of strings with full **OAI** XML representation of the \ record. """ return downloadRecords( searchInAleph( base, icz, False, "icz" ) ) # ID getters ==================================================================
[dokumentace]def getISBNsIDs(isbn, base=ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE): """ Get list of :class:`DocumentID` objects of documents with given `isbn`. Args: isbn (str): ISBN string. base (str, optional): Base on which will be search performed. Default :attr:`aleph.settings.ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE`. Returns: list: of :class:`DocumentID` objects """ return getDocumentIDs(searchInAleph(base, isbn, False, "sbn"))
[dokumentace]def getAuthorsBooksIDs(author, base=ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE): """ Get list of :class:`DocumentID` objects of documents with given `author`. Args: author (str): Authors name/lastname in UTF-8. base (str, optional): base on which will be search performed. Default :attr:`aleph.settings.ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE`. Returns: list: of :class:`DocumentID` objects """ return getDocumentIDs(searchInAleph(base, author, False, "wau"))
[dokumentace]def getPublishersBooksIDs(publisher, base=ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE): """ Get list of :class:`DocumentID` objects of documents with given `publisher`. Args: publisher (str): Name of publisher which will be used to search Aleph. base (str, optional): base on which will be search performed. Default :attr:`aleph.settings.ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE`. Returns: list: of :class:`DocumentID` objects """ return getDocumentIDs(searchInAleph(base, publisher, False, "wpb"))
[dokumentace]def getBooksTitleIDs(title, base=ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE): """ Get list of :class:`DocumentID` objects of documents with given `title`. Args: title (str): Title (name) of the book which will be used to search in Aleph. base (str, optional): base on which will be search performed. Default :attr:`aleph.settings.ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE`. Returns: list: of :class:`DocumentID` objects """ return getDocumentIDs(searchInAleph(base, title, False, "wtl"))
[dokumentace]def getICZBooksIDs(icz, base=ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE): """ Get list of :class:`DocumentID` objects of documents with given `icz` (identification number). Args: icz (str): Identification number used to search Aleph. base (str, optional): base on which will be search performed. Default :attr:`aleph.settings.ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE`. Returns: list: of :class:`DocumentID` objects """ return getDocumentIDs(searchInAleph(base, icz, False, "icz")) # Counters ====================================================================
[dokumentace]def getISBNCount(isbn, base=ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE): """ Get number of records in Aleph which match given `isbn`. Args: isbn (str): ISBN string. base (str, optional): Base on which will be search performed. Default :attr:`aleph.settings.ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE`. Returns: int: Number of matching documents in Aleph. """ return searchInAleph(base, isbn, False, "sbn")["no_entries"]
[dokumentace]def getAuthorsBooksCount(author, base=ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE): """ Get number of records in Aleph which match given `author`. Args: author (str): Authors name/lastname in UTF-8. base (str, optional): base on which will be search performed. Default :attr:`aleph.settings.ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE`. Returns: int: Number of matching documents in Aleph. """ return searchInAleph(base, author, False, "wau")["no_entries"]
[dokumentace]def getPublishersBooksCount(publisher, base=ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE): """ Get number of records in Aleph which match given `publisher`. Args: publisher (str): Name of publisher which will be used to search Aleph. base (str, optional): base on which will be search performed. Default :attr:`aleph.settings.ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE`. Returns: int: Number of matching documents in Aleph. """ return searchInAleph(base, publisher, False, "wpb")["no_entries"]
[dokumentace]def getBooksTitleCount(title, base=ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE): """ Get number of records in Aleph which match given `title`. Args: title (str): Title (name) of book which will be used to search Aleph. base (str, optional): base on which will be search performed. Default :attr:`aleph.settings.ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE`. Returns: int: Number of matching documents in Aleph. """ return searchInAleph(base, title, False, "wtl")["no_entries"]
[dokumentace]def getICZBooksCount(icz, base=ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE): """ Get number of records in Aleph which match given `title`. Args: icz (str): Identification number used to search Aleph. base (str, optional): base on which will be search performed. Default :attr:`aleph.settings.ALEPH_DEFAULT_BASE`. Returns: int: Number of matching documents in Aleph. """ return searchInAleph(base, icz, False, "icz")["no_entries"]