Request structures

Request structures, on which aleph.reactToAMQPMessage() reacts.

All strucutures defined here are simple dataholders, based on namedtuple.

class aleph.datastructures.requests.CountRequest[zdroj]

Put one of the Queries to .query property and result will be just the number of records, instead of records itself.

This helps to save some of Aleph resources (yeah, it is restricted to give too much queries by license).


Query object – GenericQuery, ISBNQuery, .. (Any)Query structure defined in aleph module.

class aleph.datastructures.requests.SearchRequest[zdroj]

Perform search in Aleph with given query.


Query object – GenericQuery, ISBNQuery, .. (Any)Query structure defined in aleph module.

class aleph.datastructures.requests.ISBNValidationRequest[zdroj]

Validate given ISBN.


str – ISBN, which will be validated.

class aleph.datastructures.requests.ExportRequest[zdroj]

Request to export data to Aleph.


aleph.datastructures.epublication.EPublication structure, which will be exported to Aleph


ISBN, nazev, Místo vydání, Měsíc a rok vydání, Pořadí vydání, Zpracovatel záznamu, vazba/forma, Formát (poze pro epublikace) and Nakladatel has to be present, or AssertionError will be thrown.

ISBN has to be valid, or request will be rejected with ExportException.